This is our first overnight trip in 2010 as it was one heck of a winter down here in Texas. We had snow storms that took two of my trees out by the roots and heavily damaged others and collapsed my deck covering which was one of those portable tent like garages.
Anyway we started thinking the weather might just be decent enough to take a ride so it was a very last minute decission. We were sitting around a few nights before and decided let’s go for it. A few folks cancelled as it was a last minute decision and but Philip, Dennis, and Cecie were up for it so we met at my house and took off.
We decided to take the back roads up and in from the West. Our first stop was the park in Justin Tx.

We stop for lunch in Muenster (I have and have posted so many pictures of Muenster I did take any on this Trip) and then take a break at the bridge over the Red River on HWY 89.

We took the back roads in from the west and started getting a bit tired and thirsty from fighting the wind most of the way (spring time in Texas brings high winds and unexpected showers). I found this little road with a few abandoned buildings and we pulled off. Of course we just had to go in. As we were about to leave a pickup truck pulled up, stopped and offered us a beer as he pulled one out of a cooler in the back. We declined and chatted very briefly and we all went on our way.

We get to our cabin, got unpacked and decide to check out the bar down the road we saw. When we got there the weather was fantastic but they had a private party on the back deck so we decided to have a drink (3.2 mind you in OK for beer) and look at the menu. Once we saw that we would be paying a left lung for dinner and need to sit inside to boot we took off for town. After a fuel stop we talked about what to do for dinner and Philip mentioned he saw a Subway so we grabbed some sandwiches and headed back to the cabin. The next moring we got up fairly early but we did move slow. We all but Cecie forgot coffee but no one thought of filters, so Dennis rigged some paper napkins into a filter and whala we had some coffee. Here are a few shots of the morning before taking off. The night before was a lot of fun out by the camp fire with some other folks.

Dennis had mentioned he wanted to see Turner Falls so we stopped at the observation area on our way home.

As we were riding home I realized that I took us down a road that missed Lake Murray but we did manage to find a little park to take a break at. It was really meant as a retirement RV park as it was gated but we managed to get in since there was no guard. On the way out it was a bit tricky as they have those one way spikes on the exit but we found a way around that challenge as well.

On our way back down I think it was Hwy 377 we ran in to a lot of bumpy road. Dennis and Cecie had disappeared from my mirror so I pulled over and then folks where honking at me as they passed me so know I knew something was wrong. I turned back and sure enough on of the exhaust pipes on Dennis’ trike had fallen off. We were so busy making temp repairs that I did not take any pictures, but just before we got back on the road we did talk about food. They told me the first BBQ place would work so just past the boarder I found this place. Here are some shots of Dennis’ trike with the exhaust pipe bungied to the back. Oh Dennis you still owe me those bungee cords.

We all split up along different roads and got home safely. It was a great trip!
Ride safe and seize the moment.