I will be writing this in Chunks as to not make it one real long read. I will identify each posting point.
I guess I need to start of with some history here since folks will be asking. My Uncle Bob came down quite ill a few weeks back and it turned out to be cancer. At first we expected to be able to see him in that it was reported as a slow moving cancer. He was in getting some tests done and then was again hospitalized but it was expected he would return home. I had even talked with my aunt on Saturday and though the prognosis was bad there still seemed to be some hope that he would recover enough to go home and get hospice or some type of similar comfort care. Well I got a call Sunday from my dad that Uncle Bob had indeed passed on to go to a better place. So it was time to start making quick plans to get up to Chicago, Des Plains to be exact. Since my Uncle had worked all of his life for the town and its people I thought I best mention the exact town, city. Anyway I was told that I needed to get up to Chicago by Thursday so it was pack it up time with a planned departure time of Monday afternoon as I had some loose ends and work to tie up. I spent most of the day Sunday getting ready and a bunch of friends stopped by to help and just talk and such.
Here is a shot of Brett with his bike and in the back ground is Denis’ bike that was standing in the garage with me. He plans to see if he can sell his bike. I hope that it works out for him, but then I shamefully hope he does not sell it so he can keep riding with us. Him and CC are a lot of fun. Anyway you can see I am loading up the Van.

It looks like someone else grabbed the camera and took a shot of Philip and I next to my Van.

Val decides to get into the action and sits on one of the bikes. As I am writing this I am in Lebanon Mo, and I sure do miss her.

Paul comes over to say hi before he and Philip go for a ride. I need to get back to work on loading and such.

Come Monday the 15th I took off at 2 or 2:30 PM and made it to the Comfort Inn in Muskogee Ok. It was a full moon but most of the folks did drive fairly well despite the full moon. Not sure what the complex is in the back ground and the picture does not do it justice but here is the shot anyway. The hotel was nice and clean but a bit pricy for what you get in my opinion.

The next morning now September 16th there was a lot of moisture in the air.

Later in the morning as I was getting ready to leave I found this old Ford. Not sure of the year.

Here I am at a rest stop in Missouri.

This is the first posting point. -------------------------------------------------------------------
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