Well as with all things sometimes plans change with time. At first I wanted to head north or east but the weather just would not cooperate and my buddy Philip wanted to go to Big Bend so here I sit in my hotel room in Abilene Texas headed for Big Bend. Philip will meet me here in the morning and at that time I will decide to follow him or put my bike along side his on our trailer and just sit back for the remaining boring miles. I hear there is not much to see between Abilene and Alpine.
So after looking at the weather last night I decided to leave early this AM but again plans changed. I was already to leave at about 8AM when it started misting out. This is a vacation run so no need to push it on wet streets day one. After all I have 9 days. Well the mist broke and the street semi dried so at about 1145 or noon I take off. It was an easy ride with some wind but compared to a normal Texas spring day it was a piece of cake. Now it was chilly, in fact a couple of times I was shivering so at one of my stops I put my full gloves on.
I do not want to get wordy but last night on the news they mentioned how Fort Worth has added police officers to patrol 820. And I can attest to the fact that they did. I saw 1 Kojak with a Kodak, another cop with someone pulled over, and one followed me for 5 or more miles until I moved into the middle lane and then he passed me on the right. This is all within about 8 miles so if your on 820 keep it on the dial.
I took hwy 20 out west since I kn0w I will run into Philip sometime tomorrow. So here are some shots being on a major hwy does not produce many shots.
This first shot is of a full service rest just stop out of Fort Worth. As all you DFW folks know it takes awhile to get out of the city.

Down the road to the first Picnic area, no rest rooms, still on hwy 20 near the hwy 16 Strawn hwy.

I continue on a little further west and find another picnic areas.

After one of my next to last stops I got gas in Cisco but what a strange place this turned out to be. I was kind of thinking of staying here for the night as the Nascar race was going to start soon but when I went into the gas station I notice this guy who was bare foot and looking like he was drunk and I think he lost his cookies next to his truck. He looked at me strangely (I mean I felt uncomfortable, it was not a “can a get a buck off you look“) and kind of started stumbling towards me so I went into my back pack and put the clip into the 40 and pulled the chamber, I think he either heard the noise or got my drift and turned around sat in his truck awhile and left. After that little show I heard a horn blowing steadily and then I saw the crash. This young women backed right into the side of another pick up truck. As I finished up fueling I notice another shorter older lady holding her stomach heading for the ladies room. At this point I could not get out of there fast enough but I had to use the men’s room myself. I got down the road to another rest stop, unloaded the 40 and had a beer. Oh and by the way I rarely pack when riding but with planning on camping at the US Mexican boarder (not because of people but animals) I packed this time. It did give me some relief already so I may reconsider that rarely idea when traveling alone.
Wow I took a shot with my other camera and man I guess for zooming in I know this camera is much better then the one I normally use. Here is a shot of a least 5 miles from down town Abilene of down town Abilene. Well that ends it for day one, I like the hwy driving for speed and miles but I still like the slow back roads myself.

Ride safe and have fun!!!!
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