We are now on our way back home and here is the current map plan to head back.
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If you look at the map you will no doubt realize we did not make that many miles today. I think it was a little less than 230. First as usual our first day out on any trip, heading out or returning home Val takes forever to get ready. We did not leave the hotel until 1005 AM and we lost an hour just about 1 hour into the trip headed back East. But the biggest problem was the traffic getting through Boulder City Nevada. For some reason they have two lanes out of Arizona but one lane headed from Nevada. We ran under 15 MPH for about 30 minutes; I think I figured we got 24 miles in about 1 hour from the hotel to just about the dam.
Also if you look at the map (pictures to come in future takes) you will notice we only plan about 262 miles tomorrow. Why you ask, we are now in Wickenburg which happens to have some kind of Gem and Art fair tomorrow so Val wants to go to that, so needless to say it will be a late start tomorrow so I know we will not get very far plus I want a good spring board to get us past El Paso well into Texas the following day.
Here is a Map of our Journey to Las Vegas.
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Now that I know how to put maps on my blog site I now know I can use them for reference when remembering what pictures were associated with part of the trip based on the date. I have a bunch of pictures to publish and to go through and that does take time. At any rate here are a few shots of the trip on the way to Vegas from Clarendon Tx to Gallup NM.
Our first stop on day 2 was at a rest stop and man it was already getting cold. The cold on the way to Vegas as well in Vegas was so bad that we (thanks to Val's idea) decided to take the longer but warmer southerly route home.

Our second stop on day 2 again was at a rest stop. The last two shots are of a dinosaur bone that had been bitten by something bigger in its time. This rest stop was the first in NM at the welcome center which I was very impressed with as I am with Texas welcome centers. The wind was so bad half my coffee got spilled from the center to the car so Val also brought me another cup to fill my roader cup.

Our Third Stop was at a gas station further into NM.

Our 4th stop in NM was a place called Clines Corner, over all I was not all that impressed. But here is a couple of shots.

Well its getting to be about 10 PM local time here in Wickenburg AZ so I am going to call it a night. I will put more out on day 2 in take 3. It was a great Thanksgiving visit with the family which I will get in to that on the following takes. Have a good day and I hope this was worth viewing.
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