It was supposed to be another one of those beautiful days so Philip, Scooter Express (Jim), Tammy and I decided to go for a little ride. Willie was going to meet up with us but his son got into a fender bender and he had to opt out. Philip met me at the gas station and we then headed to Scooter’s. I forgot how nasty Precinct Line road was since it was under construction. It took us nearly 25 minutes to go for a 12 minute ride. One lady decided to go into on coming traffic to make it a left turn lane, another driver decided to follower her (monkey see, monkey do, I guess) so now we were reduced to 1 lane at that intersection and of course we were in the lane she now occupied. Philip said he was tempted to stop just in front of her and wave his hands up like “now what are we going to do”. If it was not for Scooter waiting on us, I would have been all for it. Sometimes you just got to point out stupid, but today was not the day.
Here we are at Scooters house venting our frustration and calming down to head for the back roads and get out of the city chaos.

Speaking of stupid on a driver’s part this one could include us. While on 26 headed north this guy is on the cell phone (that should have been a clue for us) has his left hand turn indicators on, proceeds into turn lane way short of the turn and as Jim was going to pass he starts drifting back into our lane. Well Jim had to hit them hard, (did not skid) I of course was on the power up cycle so I too had to hit the brakes (again no skidding needed) but we had traffic in the other lane so we could not just go around him. As we finally went by I submitted the one finger salute. Could not help myself, sorry!
We thought about having lunch at Chili’s in Roanoke but then I thought that, one Philip was not hungry, just Jim, Tammy, and I were the hungry ones. So as Jim was taking us towards Roanoke, at one of the lights I mentioned as an option we could grab Subway or Sonic and then go to the park in Justin to eat it. He thought that was a good idea so we grabbed the Subway and went to the park, we must have missed the Justin Riding Group by about 30 or 40 minutes who were going to meet at Sonic in Justin. Just as we were getting ready to dismount Philip mentioned since we were close to Boyd and we were headed that way anyway he would leave early and meet with a friend who just got a Harley and meet up with him in Boyd. He said to call him when we hit Boyd. So Jim, Tammy and I had our lunch in the park.

We then headed west on 407. We stopped at the Kosin’s Gas Station, General Store, and Liquor Store at 477 and 287. We looked at the map to see how we could kind of head back south instead of north as the wind was tough going west with a southerly cross wind. We thought it would be easier to head with the wind on the way home versus against it. Plus there was an event at Post 279 with Rut at 4 PM so that idea might put us more in the area. Well as you might know if you head south at 287 and 407 everything takes you right back to Fort Worth and we were not ready for that yet either. So we headed south on 287 to pick up 144 to out to Boyd. We called Philip and he did not answer so we then decided to head South on 730 to Sandy Beach (Pelican Bay). We stopped and had a beer and took these shots.

Well as usual time was slipping a way and when we got to 199 we decided to take it on home as it was now 4:30 or so and it would be too late to meet up with the RUT guys at the Post. Jim and I knuckled each other and took off East on 820. He honked his horn as he turned off for his house. We were in the middle of the usual traffic jam on 820 and 35 and I need to remember to avoid that area! It was fun and I enjoyed the ride even though it was short.
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