Who would think that even in Texas you could get a great day for riding in February! I went for a ride yesterday with Jim & Tammy (you may have seen that ride report) because Saturday was supposed to be much better then Sunday. In fact we had planned on going to Jim’s (Scooter Express) house for super bowl. But I did tell him way up front that if the day was good we were going riding instead as I really did not care who won with all of my favorite teams out of it. Well Sunday was MUCH better then Saturday. I never took off my leathers on Saturday but I sure did today.
It was later in the day before we left so we decided to just take off towards grapevine and see where that got us. Well we ended up at the north side of the dam and we decided to get some munchies for the park just after the dam. Val actually found some of those little bottles of wine so she grabbed a 4 pack. No she did not drink them all. Here she is out in front of the gas station.

We then proceeded to the park, man there was a lot of people and yes motorcycles. It really was a great day. We finally found a little spot and started to set up. While we were there I took the following shots.
This one of a little sail boat on the lake. The first shot with my Cannon.

This shot with my Fujifilm, I am not sure which camera I like better so I am going to put some side by side up.

This little tree just caught my eye so I shot it.

Val had to grab the camera and take a shot of me. My family continues to tell me to get more shot of me in the reports. First to you family members, I am normally the one with the camera so it makes it hard, and second I do not like the pictures I get of me much.

Here is a shot of the Dam, notice how low the water, just wait until you see the pictures of another park Val and I rode to today.

I took a shot of Val.

The next shots are just my crazy thought process. It kind of reminded me of the last scene in the Planet of the Apes. If you have seen the movie you know what I mean.

Again another kind of crazy thought process going on, the stairs reminded me of ancient Aztec ruins I saw in a National Geographic once. Of course I had to include the bike.

It was time to go so we decided to head kind of closer to Jim’s house as I called him while at this park to say we would be late at best. So we took the scenic Dove Loop road in Grapevine to ride west by south west. We found a park to go explore and am I glad we did. This captures just how low the water was and some of the cool things we found.
The first one is a pier that goes along side of a boat ramp, it is all on land.

As an once avid boater myself the next one is quite daunting.

The next one is some kind of clam shell I found. I do not know much about them so I am sure someone will tell me the correct species I have in my hand. Oh and if you know that me touching it is going to cost my life in a few months you can leave that part out.

It was time to continue our journey as it was getting later as you can tell by the shadows. So we headed along Dove Pool road until we popped out at 114. We took that back East until we came across a road (forgot the name) that would take us south to Hwy 26. We got to Hwy 26 and had to take a pit stop. After having a smoke the caretaker told me I could have come in with my smoke and I about fell backwards. You normally cannot go into the Shell Station with a lit cig. He said his place was one of the last remaining you could. I guess if you own the place you can do as you wish. Anyway after spending some time talking with the guy it was time to head further south. It was at that point I decided to head towards Jim’s and then found a road I thought that would eventually get me there and give me some new sights and a new route. Well I was way wrong, we got lost and ended up touring a bunch of richly neighborhoods. Some of those homes where huge but way too close to one another. When I found my way back it was now about half time and it was time to head home. It was a great day and too bad for us that we missed the Super Bowl Party at Scooters but it was still a great day.
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