As usual we started off later then we planned since the plans were never set in concrete. Rally Up Texas had a ride planned to deliver a check to the Food Bank from our fund raiser last week (Texas Riders Helping Texans). You will get more information on the event as well as the pictures from our Rally up Texas Newsletter as well as the many threads on Rally up Texas.
The American Legion Post 379 had a ride with out any particular plan starting at 10AM and Philip stopped by last night to say he also wanted to ride. So like I said the plans were very loose and open ended. Val and I sat up rather late last night just enjoying the cool weather so we were up late. I got up at 8AM and let her sleep in.
Jim (Scooter Express) called and said he was going to meet up with Rally up Texas at Cow Town Bar and Grill so I told him to let me know when they were going to head towards Flying Tire for their Grand Opening. So I went out riding the Kawasaki to get some supplies and when I got home the weather was perfect for cleaning bikes so I started cleaning and waxing them while I waited for Val to get up and Jim to call. Philip came by earlier to say that he would ride but I got the sense he really was not all that up for it as he stated the weather maps show some storms to our West.
Jim calls and states that the Rally Up Texas folks are headed for Flying Tire and sure enough my next door neighbor Earl shows up and we chat about a few things. This delays me from telling Val that Jim called, she wanted a 20 minute warning. So needless to say we even got a late start to the first leg of the now planned trip.
Val and I take off down the side roads towards 820 and Randall Mill Road and as we past 820 I see no Flying Tire shop. We keep heading west and find this park which I think the name was Quantum Park. I figure time for a short break and I will call Jim to see where we ran amuck. Jim reports that he is still at Flying Tire and gives me a bit more information; sure enough we went past it. The RUT guys had left about 10 minutes ago and he stayed behind knowing we were on our way so we decide to go back and meet up with him. However I took some pictures while at the park. It was an ok Park but shade was scarce unless you sat on the ground under a tree or under the one and only covered picnic table area.
Here is Val pouring some water from one of the brand new $1 Thermos’ she found at a garage sale. They are fantastic; they do not leak and keep the fluids very cold.

I notice this bench facing the wooded area that has a wooden fence on the other side of the sidewalk. So I say to myself "that seems strange unless there is something to look at in the woods over there". So I grab the camera, head that way, and sure enough there is a hidden river/creek. It seemed too small to be the trinity but we are in the river bottoms area so I bet it is.
So I notice this rock that I passed earlier but did not notice as I did not walk that way using the sidewalk. I walk on over and here is the little write up on it.
As I head back to the covered picnic table to get my stuff I take a shot from where I was.We then head back towards Flying Tire (mental note to self: take Randall Mill Road a bit further to the west to further explore area). We get to Flying Tire and there is Jim.
Val and I get off the bike and I take a shot of her with our bike among others.
They had a band, beer sales tent, and a hot dog tent. It was quite nice and I kind of wish we could have stayed longer and I could eat a hot dog as I was hungry.
I called BA and we decided we would meet up with the rest of the RUT group over at the Harley Shop on Hwy 20 and 360 in Grand Prairie. So we head off down 820 south then to 20 East and after about 20 or so minutes arrive at the Harley shop and man it was packed. We road through the crowd and found a great spot next to the bike wash area. When I first got off the bike they had these scantly clothed young ladies washing the bikes and I asked if I could take a picture and they said yes, but then turned around and kind of bent over the bikes. I took the shot but later had a discussion with a few people about it and we agreed that I would not to post it (sorry). I did take another shot later of them that I will post. Anyway we start walking around and here are a few shots of the area.
Here is a cool bike with a carved windshield.
As we walked a long I tried to figure out how to get a picture of all of the bikes, so I found this lamp post with a 3 foot base that I could climb on and get kind of an elevated view of the area. So here are some of those shots.
We had to ride through this mess to get to the washing area, and when I say we I mean me and Jim (on his Scooter) at a Harley shop. Everyone was very cool.
Here is to the right of my location. Jim tells me the RUT folks are here so I take a shot of Paul and Gail. The problem was that Paul got behind the other lamp post so to the left is Gail.
Here is a shot of Greybeard
Here are some more shots of the RUT team. The red shirts indicate those who participated in the Texas Riders Helping Texans benefit. I did not get to participate because I had to work.

It was GREAT getting to ride again. I think between the wet vest and the cooler temps you can expect more to come soon. Have a good one, and be safe out there!
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