The picture above is inside the older part of the memorial for Amy while this picture I backed up a little bit.

I hope the next one turns out on the blog or ride report as this gives the story behind this memorial. It tells the story of a woman named Amy who was killed by a couple of her co-workers and liked to be around others so they started this memorial for those who have died violent deaths in the local area of Texas.

I walked across the street where they had started over flowing to. I read some of the dates on the crosses and man there where way too many young people represented. A lot of stuffed animals, little toy cars, and such around each cross. Like I said earlier it was quite moving.

Here is a large head stone, it looks like to the left of this location that they are building some type of very small building, shade area, or memorial structure.

Here is a shot with a wider view of the original older area and of course the bike

We decide it was time to go so we continued down Trinity BLVD. We decided to go down Precinct Line road towards Randall Mill road. We then kept going until we got to Beach Street in down town Fort Worth. It was there I decided to stop for gas and take a few shots and as it was getting hot we decided to head back.

On our way to Beach Street we passed a park called Gateway Park so I thought we would pull in and take a look on our way back. It is a very large park with a couple of different turns. It has large soccer fields and base ball fields. At the very far end it has a little area for walking and picnicking. So we stopped and took some shots. Here is where we parked the bike.

Here is a shot of the pavilion we sat at.

Val grabbed the camera and got one of me.

We took a little walk down this walkway and here are some of those shots. They have a couple of bridges and such. It was very peaceful and quiet.

Here is a shot of Val on the bridge.

Well it is time to go home but we decide to stop at the River Bottom Pub and have a cold one before going home. We called Philip while there and he did show up. He must have really shagged it as he was up in Grapevine when I called him and he was at the pub before I was halfway through my beer. I had to get a shot of the “we do not call 911 sign” behind the bar.

It is getting very hot so we go on home and just relax after a nice few hours of short riding and exploring.
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