We decided to just head East Southeast with now hwy driving. Man it was the greatest ride I have been on in awhile as far as just going out and getting lost and finding new roads. I need to do that more often, and when I discover all of the roads (when I am about 100 years old) then I will move to a different state.
We took off down 157 to Trinity BLVD and headed to its dead end at Belt Line Road. Took that south and when we hit Grand Prairie we found this park called Park Square and rode around it and stopped. The little boy in me came out so I went exploring around the creeks.
Here is a shot of Val and Willie at the bikes in the Park.

Then here is some shots as I went hiking (not too far from Val and Willie) but just around the area.

A shot back up the hill to the bikes.

A general shot of the area.

Some creek close ups. This little creek was kind of a feed into the creek that I shot in the up coming pictures.

A better shot of the creek.

Now I start to head back up to Val and Willie and I find the main creek and decide to climb down the bank under the bridge. Almost fell right on my aarse caring my camera in one hand and my water in the other. I hear water running and realize the water on the other side of the bridge is higher then the ground I am standing on. For some reason they created a dam of sorts where the water flows under the bridge.

Here is another general shot of the area from the bikes.

We then take off again down Belt Line and run into a bunch of construction and once past that we find 303 and decide to go East again. We hit a toll booth and need to pay 50 cents per bike to go across Mountain Creek Lake. We pay it go across the bridge and the scenery was ok, but worth the 50 cents, not really. I bet they do that just to help the folks on the other side get into town easier. Anyway we head south on Mountain Creek Parkway and somehow, (I cannot remember) we run across 1382 while passing Camp Wisdom Road (this kind of becomes important later). We go to pull into Cedar Hill State Park but they want 5 bucks per person and we decide to not take them up on that deal and turn around back to 1382. It is about this time we decide to look for some food and Willie mentions he heard about a marina on Joe Pool Lake and I said yes I know where it is if I knew where I am at. That is when I mentioned we need to find Camp Wisdom Road which we already passed and I did not know it. So we kept heading down 1382 as it felt right and found 67. I remember on one of my other trips that 67 was a player when we rode from the marina so we took it heading south. As it turns out we headed way out of our way but what a great ride and found Lake Ridge Parkway which also I think I remembered so we took it back north. We then dead ended at Mansfield road which did not make much sense to me but I knew we had to head west so off we go and sure enough it turned back into Lake Ridge Parkway. Now when you have headed in one direction one or two times over 18 months when you head the opposite way sometime later the view seems different but things just felt right. We crossed over the southern yet westerly part of Joe Pool Lake via a bridge, but when we hit dry land my confidence started to fade but we kept on. Then sure enough we came across another long bridge on the westerly side of the lake and I saw a sign saying Lynn Creek Park ahead, pay dirt, now my confidence rose once again and sure enough there was the marina that has fairly good food but it is pricy. Here we are on our arrival.

As we walk down the bridge, Val takes a shot of me and Willie.

Then I shoot a shot of the folks feeding the carp (never did see much fun in that but I guess if you are a land lover it might be).

We then walk down towards the marina bar and grill I think its name is Oasis.

Once inside they have a bunch of fish on the walls and I saw this shark that I have not shot a picture of in my past visits so I shot it.

Well while we had some food and drink Willie mentioned we should go on to L&N Leathers (please forgive the spelling if I have it wrong) and what the heck we decided to head that way.
We start off down Camp Wisdom Road Westerly and keep going until we notice the dark clouds. We decide to start a northerly track and while we are heading north we notice the clouds building northerly and heading easterly towards us. Willie decides it is time to start heading home, and I fully agree so we keep heading up Collins until he hits the 180 heading west while Val and I keep going north on Collins. We run across Randall Mill road and take that east to 157 north and make it home with no problems. The traffic in that whole area sucks however and I would not recommend it for a nice ride. But it was the only part of our ride I would not recommend. Well we are home now, dah, and all is well. Hope you all enjoyed the story and the pictures. I am giving a bit more details in this report so let me know if I am getting too wordy or if this is ok.
You’re Friend in biking
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