The weather forecast was set for some good riding weather and Scooter Express (Jim) had set up a ride with Tank and then called me. I got a hold of Philip and we decided we would get a ride together. I woke up to a somewhat brisk morning but it was good enough to ride so I call Jim to get details on the ride. We at this point still did not really have a destination planned, Philip was thinking PK, I was thinking East, and Jim was thinking Muenster. Jim seemed a bit more set on the destination then Philip and I so we went with Muenster. Jim called Tank and he had to pick up Debbie in Argyle so we all decided to meet at a small park in Justin. Philip came to my house and we headed towards Justin and just before the park stopped for a subway sandwich to eat at the park while waiting on Tank. As we pulled up Jim took a couple shots of us pulling in.
Philip in front and me behind him, thanks for the shots Jim.

So Philip and I finish our sandwiches and Philip takes off for some camera batteries while we wait on Tank and Debbie. They were not expected until noon but showed up early while Philip was gone. It was a pleasure meeting Debbie for the first time.
Here is a shot of Tank and Debbie.

Here are some general shots of the park.

Philip comes back from the store so I shot one of him coming in. After this we start to saddle up and take off.

Tank wanted to top off on fuel so we decided to stop in Krum before heading up 1173. The little corner gas station was quite a busy place.

We head out with the next planned stop at Forestburg. Philip and I once passed this town on a ride with the Kawasaki group we took a couple years ago and always wanted to go back. As it turned out it was a very friendly Duke’s of hazard kind of town. In fact when I was in the store a pick up like the Duke’s of Hazard drove by. Parked along side the store was fast looking newer Mustang. Tank and another biker struck up a conversation and we talked about RUT and Tank gave him a card or two. He said he would check the site out.

There was an old abandoned house across the street.

We take 373 north to Muenster and Philip wanted to get some stuff from Fischer’s Thriftway.

While Philip was still in the shop I went walking and took some shots of the area.

While in Muenster we decided to grab a bite to eat at one of the most popular spots and I will need to get the name of it and update this story. Everyone liked what they ordered and the service was very good especially since we were the only ones eating outside.

Here is a shot I took across the street from where we were eating.

After we had our late lunch and fueled up, we decided we still have time to see the famous Sacred Heart Church Muenster is known for. It is said and we heard them that the carillon bells can be heard for miles. They really sounds quite soothing.
Here are some pictures of the church and the grounds. The first shot if across the street not part of the church grounds from what I could tell as a sign indicated it was dedicated as the “Governors Courtyard”.

Ok, here are shots of the church and grounds.

We headed back and stopped in Slidell at a Historical Marker, cemetery, and church. This is the site that John Slidell a confederate officer during the “Trent Affair” set up.

We then stopped at the park in Justin and we all split up. It was a great day and a great ride. Philip and I stopped at Duke’s just before heading home and I was going to take a shot of the decorations Duke’s had set up and Philip offered to include me in the shot.

You all be safe out there and enjoy 2009!!
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