Jim (Scooter Express) had mentioned he wanted to take an overnight ride early in the week for this weekend and I thought heck why not. I have wanted to ride to Lawton Oklahoma for some time so I suggested we head that way. He was game for it so we started commencing on the planning. I tidied up some work loose ends so I could get out a little early on Friday as he had the whole day off. Good thing I did not take a vacation day as upon is awakening Friday morning he found a flat tire. I was watching the weather and was half tempted to cal it a no go, but thought what the heck.
We left at about 2PM and it was cloudy but looked mostly harmless. As we got up to Hwy 287 headed north things looked a little bit like rain but we just kept on going. As we got further north it looked more and more like rain and sure enough we started getting some drops so we pulled over to a gas station. I shot this just so I remember one of the stops to hide from rain.

We took off once again and it just seemed that we were destined to get wet but yet some how not, it just seemed we kept missing the heavy spots. Again as we were riding the rain started only this time a bit harder but we were near another gas stop so we pulled off once again. The funny thing is that as the rain started to subside a car pulled in with wipers going so I asked what direction they came from and as it turns out they came from the south and said they got hammered. So we got lucky once again, again it was just meant for us to get a bit wet but not soaked. Here is a shot of Jim shooting me.

Because of the weather we did not take side trips or stop too often so we made fantastic time to Wichita Falls. The weather was starting to get nice now so we stopped where we saw a bunch of hotels and on looking around the area we decided to start asking questions. Jim struck up a conversation with a fellow biker and he recommended we head back south to 287 and follow it west to the Days Inn. It was a brand new hotel in fact the hot tub was not yet ready but the room was fantastic with two separate rooms and three beds. We had dinner a few drinks and started thinking about the ride to Lawton tomorrow.
Saturday September 19th.
We got up and started looking at the web for weather reports and sure enough it looked like a bad plan to go on to Lawton. There was a big line of heavy rain straight up 44. One site showed it headed north as a forecast while another showed the animated version headed south. We had our coffee and kept watching. We talked about heading first west then back towards Lawton as the weather called for clearing at about 1 PM. The all of sudden out of no place we start seeing storms to the west popping up on the radar. So we then decide to head east, but you got it, the stuff that was supposed to head north or south started tracking east. So we hung around watching stuff and Jim decided to go get some breakfast while I continued to watch. Then bingo while he was gone, the stuff to the west disappeared and the stuff to the north headed east by north east. We had a path so once Jim got back decided to just shag on up to Lawton on 44.
We stopped at the visitor center about 20 miles into Oklahoma and they were extremely friendly, informative, and helpful. We grabbed a whole bunch of maps and other stuff and walked out the door. As I was headed for the door they offered some coffee and I was cold as the temps were low and at 70+ mph it gets chilly so I grabbed some coffee and headed outside to put my wind breaker on. That was when this guy pulls up on a bike just as a cager (term used for cars) was backing out and almost ran the biker over. We all started talking and he was headed up to Lawton to meet some friends for a small group rally among friends. He had a 160 HP Triumph that he said he had made some adjustments to get it to turn 200 hp. He invited us to join him and his group but we were unsure of our plans and place to stay so we declined.
Here is a shot of the visitor center and Jim.

We then headed up to Lawton and found a Best Western next to a casino. They had a restaurant and lounge so we thought we would check it out. The women at the front desk allowed us to make a reservation but we could not check in at that time as it was not even 11AM yet. She was very accommodating so we made the reservation and decided to head out to explore the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma. We road up 44 to 49 and then headed towards the Wild Life preservation area. We found a Subway and decided to grab a sandwich and ride to the next rest stop. Here is where we stopped.

We then head further west on 49 and found this lake area and took some shots.

At the Visitor center the ladies told us to ride to Meers which has a little restaurant that was worth stopping at. We were not hungry but thought we would do a fly by and after all I was looking for some trinket to bring home to Val and it sounded like a small town that might have a gift shop. So we headed up 115 to Meers. It was a great road for a ride, and we came upon the restaurant and lots of bikers and other visitors. We did not see any other structures so we did not think we were actually in Meers so we kept riding. It was not long before I realized that we must missed Meers back at the restaurant. So when we stopped to discuss it, I took a couple of shots.

We decided we would not stop at the restaurant and leave that for when we bring the wives. We came across a little pull off that was supposed to have leaflets stating the rules of the Game Preserve. So I took some shots of Hwy 115.

We decided to check out the “Holy City” which claims to be the longest longest running outdoor passion play in America.
Here are some shots of the grounds.

This is a hot biker spot, a lot came and gone while we were there.

I decided to take one of my walk abouts and ended up behind the main play area and took a few shots there.

I went in side one of the buildings and found this cool scene.

It was time to go and sure enough the gent we met this morning at the Travel Visitor Center showed up with all his friends. We talked to a few of them for awhile before we saddled up and rode on. Once again we were invited to ride with them, but we had been here long enough and decided to go on.
We are still off on a side road off of Hwy 49 and decided to take it to its end. Believe it or not however we thought we were on 49, this will come into play later. As we ride we find a little left turn that is not named on the map and I forgot the name the sign called the place. At any rate we came to a dead end turn around area but as we pulled in I noticed a sign meant for Anglers. So I knew there was water some place. So we dismounted and did a bit of a walk about. Here is what we found down one of the paths we took.

We then started talking about our distance and how much more we wanted to ride today. I mentioned earlier in one of our stops that we should think about calling it a day at about 230PM to start a slow trek back to the hotel so we can get checked it. But as we pulled down this street I saw a dead end sign and thought heck lets go that way and see what we find. I am glad we did, remember we wanted to save some points of interest for our wives.
It was on the map as Lake Rush. We went to the top of this hill and sure enough there was this dam so Jim starts trek’ing along a narrow walkway. After watching him and thinking I heard the word chicken in one of his sentences I decided what the heck and joined him. Ok, so I am not too old to get jaded into an action. There was this fence to hold on to. Here are shots of the area on from on top of the dam.

We took off to head back but stopped when we saw some wild Buffalo. There are signs all over the place that say do not mess with the Buffalo or the Long Horns, so when I shot the next couple of shots the bike was running just in case. Oh and on our way back we ran across a stop sign that quickly reminded us that we were not on 49 and forgot we took the turn on the road we are on. So as it turns out we now know we need to come back to further explore 49. Based on how long we messed around just in a short area this is going to be a two day explore trip.

We road on further looking for a place to stop on 49 for a cold libation. We found this picnic area and pulled on over. It was really nice. Here are a few shots.

We then headed back to check in and get some grub at the hotel, but first a little pool time. Jim went on down to the pool and decided the water was too cold so I found him sitting at a table having a cold beer. It was then that I realized my supply was low so I was contemplating going to the store when as I was headed out I noticed the bar was open and they had two for one. So hey no store run needed now. After a few beers a bunch of food it was time to chitchat in the bar for awhile then we decided bed time. This place is great, and I will be back.
Sunday 9/20/09
The weather was perfect when we got up, sunny, brisk, and the forecast predicted no showers. Yea ha!!!
As we were getting ready we noticed a motorized parasailer.

It was time to go and we decided with the great weather to take the back roads back. We decided 81 south would be the route to take. So we headed out on Hwy 7 and turned south on Hwy 81. After getting out of Duncan we found a little road side park and took a break.

We head down the road and I stop on the side of 81 in a town called Ryan. Jim looks at me like “what is something wrong” I look over at him and say “photo opp” he says “of what?” I reminded him about the story of Philip and I several years ago taking a ride north on 81 with no food or water and heading down hwy 32 East on a very hot summer day. We thought we were going to die. Anyway that story is in one of my earlier ride reports somewhere on the web. I think it is on Totalmotorcycle.com under the Wacky Adventures of Patrick. Anyway this picture is more or Philip then any one else as when I told him I shot it he busted a gut. Well here you go Philip the infamous Hwy 32 where we turned on to it.

We then got onto Hwy 82 headed East to Muenster so Jim could buy some sausage. We found this great little rest stop however before Muenster that was moved from the original site depicted on the map Jim had.

After shooting the above pictures I start walking around and notice this rod in the ground behind the fence. I wonder what the meaning of it is. There was no sign or plaque that I could find.

For our last libation break we decided to stop at a park in Justin Texas our normal head south stop.

It was a great ride and we decided to stop at Boomer Jacks for a beer and let folks know we were in town. Philip, Becky, and Paul showed up and Philip and Jim wanted a sit out tonight so we all met again at my house to watch the foot ball game. Quite a few folks showed up that in fact I had to shut down and go to bed before everyone left as I had to work the next day. It was a great finish to a great ride. Ride safe everyone!!!
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