This ride was planned for a few weeks and folks signed up and folks had to cancel. It came down on Friday night to me and Brett but he could not be ready until 11 AM so I decided to wait. Then I got the call Saturday morning from Brett that he had to take care of some unexpected business so it would not be until 1PM before he was ready. So we discussed meeting at Pilot Point or someplace before that. Well I had a bunch of unexpected visitors myself, one I was actually headed down the drive way and had to make a U-turn for. So needless to say I was now running an hour late myself so I hit the road hungry at 1205. Knowing Brett was only an hour behind me and that he was going to take the fast route up to Sanger I thought I had no time for a lunch at Chilies so I stopped at Subway and grabbed a sandwich to go. I took the picture below to remind me that there is a Subway shop at the corner of 114 and 35W.

I get to 156 and head north and as I was told I found this little park just south of Justin Texas. I enjoyed the weather and my sub.

I wanted to walk down to this bridge but there was a family down there and decided not to intrude. I will visit here again some day.

I called and left a Voice mail for Brett as I knew he was headed north by now and told him I would call him when I got to Krum. Well when I road through Krum I decided since Sanger was so close and I had left him a message about where I was I figured he would get to Sanger and stay put there. Well I beat him to Sanger by maybe 5 minutes and he called from just down the street so we met up at the Shell station at the corner of I35W and 455. Here is a shot of Brett and his daughter.

We took off for Pilot Point as I wanted to show Brett the little bar I had found last year. He loved it and while being in the Pilot Point Town Squar I shot this building.

I also shot the history sign of Pilot Point.

Once in side the bar I took a couple of other shots. Now that is Root Beer they are drinking.

Well we take off and head on up to Lake Murray Oklahoma and we find a spot to stop and rest and of course take some pics.

We then took off looking for a small Catfish place Brett remembered from being here long ago. Well we found it but it was closed so we decided to head to Ardmore so we could catch a bite to eat before Brett headed back home and I would find a hotel room. Well we headed up and went through town on Highway 77 but found nothing so at one of the stop lights I smirked with “are you too proud to ask for directions”. He looked at me funny and said no. So we pulled up into this bank parking lot to check his cell phone for restaurants in the area. He has one of those new phones with maps and all that fancy stuff. I think it would have been faster and easier to stop at a gas station and ask but while he was playing around I took this shot.
I thought these metal statues where cool.

Well after checking out a couple of places we find this place called Two Frogs Grill and it was ok, not great but ok. After we eat Brett takes off for home and I walk next door the days in to see if they have a room. The room was fairly clean and the price for the area was reasonable.
When I got up in the morning and walked over to the front desk area to grab some coffee I was met by a very friendly hotel receptionist who told me of a bridge on Lake Murray that was built from rocks and that the state was planning on “renovating” by removing it and she has enjoyed looking at the bridge for years and thought it would be a good stop for me. So I got an approximate location and headed down the road. I had a t-shirt, flannel, and a vest on and it was still cool. I was tempted to pull over and get out my leather jacket but it was not that cold.
I headed down hwy 77 and missed the hwy 70 intersection so I ended up right at the main entrance to a Lake Murray Park. I also saw some ladies at the riding stable doing some yard work and asked them if they knew of the bridge location. They did not but told me there was nothing like that north of here. So I took a couple of shots before heading south.

I found a little turn off and took this shot.

After leaving here I notice a little paved pull off area that had a non structured parking lot. I remember being told to look for a place like this but I expected it to be bigger. When I pulled in, I nearly missed it, I saw the little fishing hut with the roof on it as I was also told to expect so I thought maybe I have found the bridge site. We as I walked down to the fishing dock sure enough I hit pay dirt.
This shot is zoomed in on the bridge.

This is more of what the naked eye would see.

Here is a shot from the fishing hut to parking lot up the hill.

As I went walking up the path back to the bike I notice a doe and a couple of fawns.

Once they finally noticed me they took off.

Well time to hit the road again to explore more Lake Murray. I found this marina and decided to stop, walk around and take some shots.

Off on the road again and to another site, this is the “light house” tower I heard about. By the way so far all of the shots are from the West or south side of the Lake.

It is amazing how depending on your approach things look different, as I was headed into the area that I took the two shots above looked kind of boring and of little interest. As I was headed out of the area I saw the area from a different view and man am I glad I hit the breaks hard (one BIG advantage of not riding with others) and turned into the area.
I found this burned out stone house that I now wish I took a full frontal view but I walked in and took a shot of what must of have been the bed room based on the lay out and no plumbing.

Here is a shot of the living room with the floor gone at the fire place.

Here is a shot from what I guessed was a very small dining area into the kitchen. This building was either renovated at some time or was not that old as in the kitchen I found a gas feed and a drain pipe for the sink. On the outside of the building a drain pipe came out of the motor between the very large stones and went directly into the ground.

Here is a shot out the front door to my bike.

The next shot is at the bathroom from the bedroom. It looks like the entrance to the bathroom was from the bedroom. Also based on the make shift ladder it looks like it may have had a loft or roof access. Also when I walked around the building in notice the drains from the bathroom let to a cement underground hole of some type. Maybe an old fashion septic tank. The top of the tank was pulled aside and all I could find was junk below and it did not look very deep but I was not about to poke around in it.

Here is shot looking out the bedroom unless there was a bedroom loft of some type.

Here is a shot from inside a little garage type of thing next to the house.

Here is the same thing from outside.

Well time to hit the road again. I run across one of two reverse V’s in my trip. On this one I realize I best not keep going in the direction I was about to as it would have taken me away from the lake and towards 35W headed south which is not my intent yet. In this case the map helped and the street signs helped.

I found my last stop on Lake Murray before leaving the area. It was a little camp ground, quite peaceful and pretty.

I now hit my second reverse V in the road but now there are no signs. So I walk up to the building directly in the V to see if anyone was around.

I do not know what gave me the bravery to walk up to the house behind the shop and knock on the door but I did. After I knocked I heard “come on in” I was not sure if I heard right so I knocked again and again I heard “come on in”. I yelled back that I am a stranger looking for directions and I heard back “I too am a stranger”, so I opened the door and found this man getting off the couch to great me. Next thing you know we get in to a discussion about bikes as I have my helmet in my hand and he tells me of the old Mangosi <- (I think I just killed the spelling), that now has flowers growing through it. We had a good conversation and I almost forgot about asking for directions which he gave me. But I did take a shot of the old bike.

I then found 377 south and came across a pit stopped called “Last Call”. It was quite friendly and large. They rent the area out back for meetings and such and would love to host a Poker run or other biker event. It is located on 377 in Oklahoma just before the bridge over the Red River on the East side of the road. I highly recommend you stop in sometime if in the area and if planning a poker run, check them out. Here are several shots I took of the place and some of the very friendly folks.

Well I had my beer and took off for the bridge. Just before crossing I took these shots.

On the Texas side of the bridge I found a little park and took the following shots. If you go into the Park on the East side you have to pay but on the West side that I went on it was free.

Up in Whitesboro I grabbed a burger at McDonalds, put it in my saddle bag and went looking for a park to eat it. Between Tioga and Pilot Point I went across a bridge and found a little boat ramp park like area and had my burger there and took these shots.
Here is shot of the bridge I went over.

Here is couple of shots of the general area.

I then turned onto 455 to go past Lake Ray Roberts and I went to the park on the South Side of the dam. Here are those shots.

I was getting tired and decided to ride straight home from Sanger on 35W. I did stop and Hooters and watch the first half of the Cowboy’s game and part of the Talladega Nascar Race. I sat at the bar and had a very good discussion with this good ole boy about 10 years my senior. He too had a bike in his day so we talked about that while watching the game. I must say, everyone I ran across on this trip was extremely nice and interesting. It was a very fun couple of days and I enjoyed both days immensely.
You all be safe.
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