We started off just a little late as Courtney thought she might be able to come but one of her kids’ baseball game ran late so she chose not to come so Jim, Tammy, Philip and I took off. We made one stop about 17 miles outside of Ennis. When I saw the place I wanted to go I did not know it was a one way street but it was so small and isolated we proceeded down it about 100 yards where I wanted to be. Here are a few of the shots.

I took a little walk and found this barn like building that was freshly painted and closed up.

As we came up on Ennis I was not really sure where to go so I decided to take Business 287 and see where we end up. Well sure enough as we drive through town Philip notices the blow up thing for the kids and we start looking for a spot to pull over. Well sure enough there was this empty spot we parked our 3 bikes and to make it even better this from the outside run down looking place turns out to be a bar that is really open. It is called the Wooden Nickel. So we go inside to call John aka. Mr RocknRoll who lives down here and he says he is on his way. So it is beer and Bloody Mary time while we wait. First Tammy orders a Bloody Mary and we all taste it and the next thing you know most of us, order one. It was really great and not too much alcohol to mess you all up.

We then walked down to the festival. Here are some of the shots. We did buy some stuff of course that made the bike now fully loaded.

Well as I walk around I find pay dirt. An old car show, now we are talking.

You will see some pictures of this next car later on as we talked with Ron & Carol the owner of the car. Actually this is Carol’s car but Ron helped us with some shots later on. They were really nice people and I thought the scene they had was cool. For those of us who are a bit older can relate to the props. But more later on this jewel.

Here are some more of the cars they had out there.

I went back to Ron and Carol’s car and he closed the hood and trunk so I could get these shots. I got his card so I could copy him in on this report so he can get the pictures. Hope these came out the way you wanted Ron.

We headed back to our bikes and decided we were getting hungry so it was time for lunch. We asked the great folks inside the Wooden Nickel where they would recommend and they said Marsala spelling might be off. Anyway I shot a picture of the outside of the Wooden Nickel.

We rode just briefly down the road turned right on I think was 46 and there it was. Here is a couple of shots for inside the restaurant and man the food was inexpensive and everyone enjoyed what they ordered. Val even found a way to load some leftovers into our already very crowded saddle bags.

After eating we started heading back to our part of the woods but Philip wanted to stop at the HD shop down on 20 and 360 while Jim and Tammy decided to keep on riding home. So we waved goodby to them and headed for the HD shop. While at the HD shop it was busy as usual but they had some helicopter rides going on so I took a few shots of that as well. Of course Val found more stuff to stuff into our bike. Man she can be resourceful when she needs/wants to be. I need to make a mental note of this.

It was a great day for riding, the weather was perfect and got to hang with some good friends and talk with some very nice folks along the way. What more can you ask for other then getting home safe and sound which we did. Have a good day ride carefully and savor the moment!
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