Day 1, Tuesday
This started out as a planned trip to the Padre Islands and then to the Rally Up Texas meet and greet planned for New Braunfels but the hurricane, the many other ride events planned, and a motorcycle accident by one of our Rally Up Texas family members who was also the coordinator of sorts for the area killed both plans. The person who got into the wreck is ok with the exception of both wrists being broken if you want to call that being ok. The last report I had was it may permanently prevent her from riding again. We pray she fully recovers. Well since Scooter, his wife Tammy, Val, and I had planned this vacation for quite some time we decided to go to New Braunfels anyway and ride the area. I am glad we did
The first day was not much in the way of pictures since as usual we got a late start. Events at work kept me hoping on Monday and some of it flowed over to Tuesday morning. Based on the time we left I feared we would be in Austin right at traffic hour so we mostly shagged (a term for haling the freight with no stops) down to New Braunfels. We hit Austin at 315 PM so the traffic while being bad was not horrible. We had the bike on the trailer so we could shag and we were taking I 35 so the scenery was fairly limited anyway.
The only two shots I took worth posting were the ones when we first arrived at the hotel and got the bike off the trailer.

Day 2 (Wednesday)
Scooter and Tammy were do to arrive tonight and as it turns out we had a pleasant surprise in that Paul and Gail had told Jim they too would be coming tonight. So Val and I start the day off exploring the area and see what trouble we could find (not really). We went off for a short ride to Gruene (pronounced green) to buzz the town. As it turns out we had accidently ran across it once before in one of our travels so we just buzzed the town as we needed some supplies from Wally World (aka Wal Mart). We learned that there was one back down near our hotel so we headed for it and along the way we found a placed called the Watering Hole that we decided to stop at on our way back from Wally World. Here are some shots of the Watering Hole off of Business 35 in Southern New Braunfels. Val purchased a T-shirt.

Here is a shot of a chainsaw carved Gooney Bird. There are many images carved in the bar that the camera would not pick up but when in the area you read about this bar as it does have quite a history.

Well after having a beer there, we decided it was time to get some lunch. Every little place we stopped (we just had to stop at this arts and crafts shop), (thank God their prices were even too high for Val) recommended this place down towards Seguin called the Clear Spring Dinner. The food was great and there was a bunch of it. We ordered a “small” portion of their “World Famous” onion rings just because they are “World Famous”. Well when she came by with the onion ring appetizer I had to say, I meant to order small. She said this is the small portion. Val and I are both picky about our onion rings as I hate greasy onion rings but they are very good. I had the Catfish sandwich while Val had the Salmon Salad. I knew we were in a big surprise when the very friendly waitress asked how she wanted her Salmon. Val said what do you mean she looked at Val as if she was crazy and said, medium, medium well, or well. Val said medium and man it was a large piece of salmon over salad and it was fantastic. Anyway here are some shots.

After eating we decide to head up 337 Business 46 to River Road and ride along the river.
I normally check the pictures to make sure my victims are smiling but the sun was preventing me from see the shots well. I figured the back ground was worth the picture but she just did not smile in time for the shot.

I walk down by the river and Val takes a shot.

We run across this little camping area at I believe was river crossing 4 or 5. The road is very twisty and the scenery is fantastic.

We then follow River Road up to 306 and take that back to New Braunfels and our hotel. When pulling up we find Paul and Gail have made it down.

The four of us take off for Gruene to meet with some good friends of ours who live in San Antonio who have agreed to meet up with us in Gruene and Bubba’s Big Deck.

The four of us take off for Gruene to meet with some good friends of ours who live in San Antonio who have agreed to meet up with us in Gruene and Bubba’s Big Deck.

Paul had rafted down this area many times and could not believe just how low the water was. You sure would not be able to raft this area now. I did not take a shot of the sign they had up in the tree that stated “High Water Mark” but it was a good 20 feet above our heads standing on the deck you see below.

I did not take a shot of the sign they had up in the tree that stated “High Water Mark” but it was a good 20 feet above our heads standing on the deck you see below.

Jeff and Diane show up and we it is a great reunion. I am so glad we got to see them. Jeff and I play fantasy football in the same league and I must say I beat him last week and I am now 6-0.

I saw this bird down by the river and this is the best of three shots. He was hard to focus on since he looked so much like his surroundings. Great camouflage!

We then head over to the Grist Mill for dinner. Man the food was fantastic and it is where the water tower is up the road from Bubba’s. The shots below are in an out door waiting area for our table. The place was very busy for a week night during off season. I would hate to try to eat there during the season, as you would never get in.

A shot of Jeff and Diane.

Jeff had a problem reading the menu so Val gave him her reading glasses. We all thought he looked great in them. Sorry Jeff I just had to put these in, but then again I am the one who is 6 and 0.

We had a fantastic evening with everyone and it was just great seeing Jeff and Diane. They knew of a faster way back to our hotel (the Best Western) and we were back in no time. What could be better, great friends, great food, great roads, great weather!
To keep this from getting too long per post I am going to break it down by days where it makes sense. This was day 1 and 2, I will let you know when I get the other days set up.
Day 3 Thursday 100908
Ah, morning has come and its time for another day of adventure. We ponder our possibilities so I grab the camera and take a couple of shots before we venture off.

So we decided to ride River road up towards Canyon Lake. We found a little spot to stop and take some shots.

On this shot I decided to sit on the road and shot from the ground. It came out so so in my opinion.

Paul knew of a Camp ground he wanted to stop at that he knew the owner of. It is called Lazy L&L just off of River Road. The lady who came out to greet us was very warm and Paul and her had a few stories to share. Mean while I went walking around and found this windmill in a tree behind the general store and mini kitchen.

The next shot is of the River (dah) but the land on the other side is personal property. Man it would be too cool to have one of those houses. I did not shoot the actual house as they were all fairly hidden in the trees.

I started back up the hill and shot this one looking down and the Lazy L & L sign so I could remember where we were. But the scenery proved to be worth posting.

As I looked up the hill I notice Paul and the women who greeted us moved their discussion out side. She was quite nice and of course we all know Paul has the gift for gab so I shot this between a Y in a big tree in front of me.

As we pulled in Val and I noticed this big ole hey roll painted like a pumpkin and so Val wanted a shot so I took a shot of the pumpkin and my pumpkin.

We take off and head up to Canyon Lake. When we come to the little city just before it off of River Road we go to the VFW Post and talk with the locals about a good place to get some lunch. I was so hungry I got a bag of Cheeze Doodles. The discussion ensued around two possibilities based on our direction being Canyon Lake. After some further discussion the locals all agreed on Papa Dock’s as the best place. So we got some very general directions, and I mean general directions to the place. Well whala I found it. It was great food our poor waitress had a open nerve tooth and was in a great deal of pain but she was still very friendly and accommodating. I would highly recommend this place as everyone enjoyed their food and the scenery on the back deck was worth it.
Here we are in the parking lot.

Here is a couple of shots of the marina.

Here are three shots from the deck and of the deck.

Well after a great lunch it was time to hit the road. One of our planned stops was the Devil’s Backbone Tavern on hwy 32. So here we are.

On the way back down to Gruene we took hwy 32 the Devil’s Backbone Hwy to a road named Purgatory, now get that.
Here is Val and Gail at the oldest bar in Texas. I have now been at the oldest bar in Arkansas and now Texas.

I took a shot of the sign of the gristmill the place we had dinner with Jeff and Diane last night.

This next shot is looking down the main intersection in Gruene.

Well it was another great day of riding. I will post day 4 and such soon. Be safe and ride carefully.
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