Today is the day we decided to head out to Fredericksburg and Luchenbach. We started out at about 0900 and the weather was great. He took off 377 business 46 to Hwy 46 and then decided to cut some corners by taking 311 to 281 north to Blanco. When we came to the intersection of 311 and 281 we took a brief break outside of a little Mexican food/bar kind of place called the Beach. So here we are at the Beach.

We take 281 north to 1326 with the plan being we would stop in Luckenbach before hitting Fredericksburg. Well I missed the 1888 turn off so we kept going on 1326. I kind of felt I made a mistake so we pulled over after a couple of miles on 1326 and looked at the maps and took a couple of pictures. The one shot I did not get was that of a black and I and mean black cow that came out to the fence. When we approached him he took off but he did have an ear tag with number 46 on it. Val and I cannot remember who else is into numbers and it was brought up that we were on 46 earlier and there was a 3rd 46 factor. Anyway as you can tell I am not much into that kind of stuff. Once looking at the map I quickly realize we should have taken 1888 but we decided to keep going north on 1326 to 290 which would get us there. At this point on 1326 we have left the river but to be honest there was not a good place to get 4 bikes off the road comfortably so no big loss on taking 1888 next to the river to Fredericksburg.

Near the intersection of 1326 and 290 we get into Stonewall and stop at a little gas station. The place we kind of cool and it had a little gift/antique shop in there and thank God nothing Val wanted would fit in the motorcycle.

We then start talking about this place called Wild Seed Farms which was the place Philip just had to find the last time we were down here so he could get a T-shirt for his sister. I was not too keen on the idea of stopping there, so it was decided that if we see it on the way we will stop. Well guess what, it was on the way so we stopped there. Now to tell the truth, Paul knew it was also a beer garden so when we went in he asked if I wanted to have a beer I was like where around here is that going to happen. So we walked through the main store at the entrance to find a bit of an open air area leading to another building. And low and behold inside it said beer. So I grabbed 3 beers one for Jim, Paul, and I and Paul and I sat down to consume the nice cold beverage. Jim was still inside the main store shopping with the ladies (yes we did tease him later on that one). Paul went in to ask him if he wanted a beer. His verbal reaction was like my mental one when Paul first mentioned it to me. So Jim came out and we sat a table and let the women shop. They later said that we were in there wondering why we were not trying to hurry them up. Here are some shots of the place, we all purchased a book “Backroads of Texas” – “The sites, scenes, history, people, and places your map doesn’t tell you about”. It really is a great book.
Here are some of the shots.

Well after being there for awhile, we decided it was time to get some lunch in Fredericksburg. So off we went, we drove around for quite sometime and there are a lot of stop lights so Val pointed out a place she saw so we headed there and I would say we would rate it just above fair. The food was good and the service was great for as busy as there were. The name I believe is Altdorf, very German cuisine orientated.
Here are a few shots while there. I did get a chance to wonder down the street to this little cheese place and they gave me a map of the place. I think we need to go there one time and stay over night to truly explore the riches yet found in my two visits.

Now that we are stuffed and ready to ride we head off for Luckenbach and then our way home.
Here is a shot of Jim in the Post Office, General Store, and Bar.

Here is a shot of the famous stage and of course every time I have been here there is someone with a guitar playing and singing.

Here is a few a shots of the General store part of the building.

No shots of Luckenbach would be complete without the Chickens!

Once we left Luckenbach we ran most of the way home when Val tapped my helmet and said she needed a brake. We went through Blanco and I kept looking for a cool place to pull over but did not find one. Then I saw what looked like some kind of auto repair shop ahead and signaled we would be pulling over. We stopped dismounted and as I walked to the front door just to see what we had here; it was a little bar south of Blanco called the Pop a Top Again. I walked in, and it seemed friendly enough, mostly over folks, even older then I, so I went back outside and told the group what I found. They came in and it was quite friendly. This gal, I cannot remember her name now sat down with us and jabbered on and on. The beer came from a cooler and they did not have liquor, much to Tammy’s dismay, nor did they have wine. So it was a very short stop but very interesting to say the least.

It was another great day for riding and we had to move our base up to Marble Falls tomorrow so we went back to the hotel and chilled the rest of the day. I was so tired I did not feel like going out for dinner so we ordered pizza and stuff.
Be safe and have fun!
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