We all got up and Paul and Gail were ready to leave early and wanted to take the hwy home while we, Jim, Tammy, and mostly me and Val were moving a bit slow. We also wanted to try to load my bike and Jim’s on the trailer and just cage it home but with my engine guard I could not get both bikes on the trailer. Jim insisted on riding his home so I loaded up mine and I drove the Mini Van with my bike on the trailer. We got out of there at about 11 AM and as we went along we found these riders that kind of road with us for part of the way home. Paul and Gail later reported that with the wind and the construction on the north bound side of the road they did not have much fun.
Well here is a few shots of Jim on his scooter with our new found riders. They really were a bunch of nice guys and they road with us for awhile and in fact Jim was tempted to pass them but decided to just fill in with them.

We lost our riders when the pulled off for a stop and we stopped for gas. They then too pulled in for gas as we were leaving. We found this little rest stop and decided to take a short break.

We then got to Hico and stopped at the Koffee Kup. I would say stop there for their pies but not for their food. The pie’s were fantastic but the food was ok I guess.

We found another little rest area just before getting close to home that has a little scenery so we stopped.

Well we got home safe and sound, we dropped Jim and Tammy at their house and off loaded the Van of their stuff so Val and I headed home. It was great being home but it was a fantastic ride with great friends we will remember for some time to come.
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