To start off with the Wedding was held May 30, 2009 at Lake Whitney Texas, and today is October 11, 2009. There are so many pictures so many people took that I have had several ideas come to mind about how to write this, so of course it never got off the ground other then I can say this is about the 10th draft. I do not mean draft in the way of spell checking or grammar, I mean in the way in style and content/context. I have see what everyone else has posted and man there is a ton of pictures out there of this fine couples wedding put up in a variety of styles. Because of this I have decided to look through the ones I took and only take the highlights. Not sure if it would have not been faster to just bulk upload all of the shots or take this approach but at the end I decided on this approach.
As we all know there are many aspects within the mechanics of pulling off a wedding. The humanistic characteristics usually morphs as the collective whole centers around the couple of honor. Though we have all pained over planning a wedding, and sometimes, most times, little challenges arise that worries the honored couple. But at the end of the day no one remembers those challenges in a negative way as they too morph into some type of comical story down road as the inevitable clock ticks off seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. The larger the time factors the faster the clock ticks.
Ok so your like, shut up you long winded idiot. Ok so I have decided to cover some of the mechanical attributes to this joining of our fine friends.
The Planning – well since that is the Bride and Grooms gig with their immediate friends (the wedding party) and family I have no shots of that, but I must say this was one of the coolest wedding I have ever been part of.
However there were many of us who took exploratory trips to the area to scope out the area. As I mentioned this blessed event was held in Lake Whitney. Here are some of the shots I took a few weeks before the wedding on my exploratory trip. I am not going to list the name of each area these were taken at as I stop often and at many places. Some of the shots are of cities we stopped at on the way down.

The Lodging attribute, how to get a lot of people into the vicinity when they come from all over. There were those who stayed in bread and breakfast hotels, those who brought tents, those who lived close enough to go home after the ceremony and ensuing reveling, and those such as myself shared a rustic but very comfortable cabin. When I say cabin I mean mostly a walled in hut with a cement floor, but I had once of those cots that kept you 6 inches off the ground. The arrangements where excellent for the amount of folks and the theme of this adventure, ceremony, and celebration.

Another critical aspect of any wedding is the food, how to feed a mass of folks especially when in a state park. Well if you went hungry here you did not even look for food.
First the fine chefs.

This next shot of more folks chipping in on the breakfast cooking with Lil Nae' on the right the beautiful bride. She has it all, she is not only beautiful in skin, but beautiful in soul. Lil Nae’ makes everyone feel at home and always has time for everybody.

Here we have the groom on the left. He has many talents other then being a major part of the leadership team for one of the fastest growing Texas motorcycle web sites and riding group. The reason I said leadership team is that we are not a club but a band of great people with common interests who share in the fun of riding motorcycles.

And of course the food!

Now no wedding would be complete without a chapel. I remember in the bible that God says, where 2 or more of you are gathered in my name I will be there. Now I know this is not a direct quote but an interpretation.

Now you need a preacher, groom, and best man.

Now here comes the bride. As you have noticed by now, we are on our bikes with engines on rolling the throttles. As she comes to your bike you shut your engine off signifying her leaving her old life behind.

Ah now we have the whole wedding party, let the ceremony begin.

I am behind the minister and best man shooting threw the tree for the first one.

Since I was on my bike I did not take any shots of them walking down through the bikes but as the couple came up to each bike we started our engines rolling the throttles to signify the start of their new life together.
I did give my camera to Gail who shot the following pictures. The first one is that of BA and Lil Nae’ riding off. We all followed them around the park of course making as much noise as possible. It looks a bit chaotic and dangerous but it was organized and planned so it was much safer then it may look.

Here are three shots of us returning from the ride around the park. The first being the bride and groom the second two I am the guy in orange on my Suzuki.

Now for the wedding party and bride and groom shots after we rode back.

Now here is my favorite shot of them all. I cannot remember the name of the song but every time I have ever looked at this one it reminds of the a song that talks about how the sunlight was glistening off her hair and “that’s alright with me”. The song was from the 70’s or early 80’s. BA aka. BlackWolf and Lil Nae’ sure do compliment each other in so many ways.

Now time for the cake and other festivities.

Ok, it is time to rustle everyone together for that ever-dreaded group shot. But then as time goes on this is usually one of the most prized pictures.

Now I will post a few general shots of the party and other attractions.

Well as with all good things it was time to hit the sack and get ready to leave the next day. I took all back roads home so I could kind of reminisce about the weekend we just had. I found this gravel road to take a little break on and it was so quiet and peaceful it gave me time to just dwell on the wonderful time I had and to wish a private good luck and give a private blessing to Lil Nae’ and BA.

God Bless you two and may you live long and prosper. Ride safe, have fun, and seize the moment.
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