Well we wake up another day, now Tuesday October 6th and it is warm but raining out side. Val’s back is killing her and she really needs to head home, the weather looks fairly bad in all directions so we decide its time to brave mother nature and hit the road. I really wanted to go to Palo Duro Canyon but it just does not look like a good plan at this point. We take off and the weather is foggy and the air heavy with moisture. The due point right near the temperature but I see some occasional sun rays so we pack up and head down the road. The roads are wet but not bad. We get down to the Oklahoma visitor center and get gas and double check the bike. We then take off and hit the pay booth. About 2 miles south of that mostly in the middle of nothing the sky opens up with a fairly decent rain, not pouring mind you, I have been in those situations before, but enough to soak me down quite decently but not to the underwear. Well since we are in the middle of nowhere I just keep going and as all things do the rain stops. After about 30 or so miles my cloths and boots start to dry out so my shivers are subsiding.
We get to Wichita Falls Texas and the clouds look dark and rainy but as we keep going I stay mostly dry. We then get further south near no where’s land once again and the clouds are really looking dark and I decide to pull over in some small town that has a Best Western. The storms are headed with us to DFW so we just sit and BS for awhile to let them get some distance. The sun breaks out a bit so we saddle up and hit the road down to a town just north of Decatur that is supposed to have some good food in this truck stop. I am still shivering as I just cannot seem to get warm, so while we are eating the rain starts down again. So I decide to put my rain paints on for this next leg of the trip and just go for it. I am getting tired from the cold, angry at the wind, and just down right tired of being wet. Val thinks it is funny me putting my rain pants on so she decides to take these next two shots.

Of course after getting all geared up we ran the last 70-80 miles non stop home with only occasional drizzle and a few splashes in some puddles, but hey that is better then getting soaked. We made it home ok, dah, you would not be reading this otherwise. I am not home 5 minutes and the next door neighbors son comes over to chat, then Philip shows up, then Earl my next door neighbor shows up so I pop a beer and chat for while. Val comes pulling up after going directly to the doctor once we hit town before even coming home. She looks like he crunched her a good one. I pop another beer, say my good byes and hit a nice warm shower. It was a real nice vacation and I enjoyed all aspects of it even the rainy parts. I say that now while sitting in my Florida room with a little space heater keeping me as warm as a bug in the rug sipping on some red wine thinking about heading over to a friends house to have a couple of beers. Ah, life is good.
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