Some folks have been asking about Val’s back and it is still out so she is doing the best she can until we get home. We were going to start home tomorrow but with the rain forecast it looks like we will wait until Monday.
We start off at about 1040 as it was a very brisk morning, Jim and Tammy showed up as we were packing so we all took off for the park. On the first stop and next set of pictures if you saw my Lawton ride report from a few weeks ago you will notice the tower again. Only this is from a different side. It looks like the only way to it is to walk a very long way as I noticed one person next to it, I had to go on high zoom to make it out as a person. Anyway here a bunch of shots we took from this stop.

We plan to stop at the Holy City to show the girls what we found next week but on the way we find some free grazing Buffalo right next to a Prairie Dog town.

After taking the above pictures, they are from both Val and I, we finally get over to the Holy City. I have more shots of this on the Lawton Ride Report but again this is a combination of shots by both Val and I using two different cameras.
The first bunch is that of inside the Chapel.

We spent quite a bit of time at the Holy City but once mounted we decided to head towards Meers to have a cold one at the famous restaurant. We have heard many different views on the food and since we plan to cook out, we were just looking to have a cold one, and since it was so full and all we would be doing is taking up space we decided to go in, and then leave. I have now heard past tense that we should have explored the area more so that will give us a reason to come back.

The next ride was slow but very scenic as we rode up Mount Scott. On the way up Val did not like driving on the cliff side of the road. It was a short ride somewhere between a mile or two up but it was slow moving. On the way up we ran across this older couple walking up and there are signs saying no pedestrian traffic. On the way down we saw a guy on a bicycle riding up. Now I commend these folks for their desire to stay healthy and the fact that they could do it, but they were risking not only their own lives but those in vehicles and on motorcycles.
There were a couple of pull over spots on the way up but I figured at the top we should see in all directions but just in case I was wrong I did pull over on the third opportunity. Took a couple of shots of the area.

We get to the top and we can see in all directions. Here are a bunch of shots from the top.

I guess Val was much more comfortable with driving down the mountain on the mountain side of the road as she took these shots while driving. Not sure if it was a real good idea, kind of like driving while on the cell phone but I am glad she took these pictures.

After our trip up the hill, (I lived 8 years in Colorado – so Mount Scott is equal to maybe Red Rocks in the foot hills which is another ½ mile higher then a mile high city – yuck yuck), we decide it is GRILL TIME, yeah ha, I am hungry.

Now here is something interesting, Tammy enjoying the art of fine cuisine working over the grill and Jim, well I guess doing what he does best, relaxing.

On the way back I wanted to stop at a couple of abandoned buildings and scout about. I like trying to figure our where each room was, how the floor was laid out, and the sights from different windows and doors.

Now on to the second sight, this area had three buildings, the main one was boarded up to the point I could not get in, but the other two I had easy access.
The first small building I thought was a smokehouse, but I think this is a big old oil tank. The second building looked almost like a jail house in that one window had bars embedded into the cement.

It was another great day of riding and all went well.
Ride Safe, seize the moment, and have fun.
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