Well yesterday, Sunday, the weather was wet and cool so we decided to just hang around and watch the foot ball game. We had lunch at Red Lobster (oh boy – now I got your attention) and then watched the game in our room. Jim and Tammy came over to watch it with us. What a game, Romo and refs just did not want Dallas to win. But it was fun none the less, getting text messages from friends who are not Cowboy fans and of course a few emails. Well to those who sent those messages and emails, Rocko and Socko are on their way over to explain how that was only somewhat funny and amusing. Anyway Val took a couple of pictures.

Now comes Monday, October 05, 2009, I get up at about 7AM the weather looks clear but the weather maps shows the green and yellow stuff coming (that is radar colors for rain – now for those of you who knew that do not pick on those who did not). I would have liked to hit the road right there and then, but it looked bad south. Val got up and went to breakfast and when she came out the green stuff showed up. As the morning wore on, Jim and Tammy showed up at around 10AM and we watched the radar as the drizzle subsided at our location. I did tell work that would be gone for two weeks since I knew either we would find something interesting and be late getting back or we could get held up in some location with rain. Well we are now in day 2 of a holding pattern with no clear days ahead. Well as the morning went on, the weather started looking somewhat better down south but I was even still looking East, West, and even thought about north but nothing looked real enticing. Then as the dead line for check time was approaching it was decision time, the weather was not breaking here in Lawton, and down south it did look hopeful but not great. So we started talking about moving to the Best Western next to I-44. Well they wanted to charge Jim and Tammy a bunch for the dogs and after further discussion among them, they decided to load the bike and hit the road. I called the Best Western and made reservations for Val and I. The rain started coming down harder so we put Jim’s bike on the truck in the rain. Val took some shots.

My dad has/had one of these rear loaders for bikes and after his first try using it decided it stunk, and Jim has now come to the same conclusion or at least that was what he thought when he first got up here. Jim and Tammy get underway and now we have to hustle to get packed and checked out. The rain was coming down hard enough that we (Val and I) decided to leave the bike at the hotel and go for lunch and hope the rains slows down so we can at least make it to the Best Western. We have our lunch and there is only light drizzle coming down and I know I will not melt. My only concern is that it has not been raining hard enough to wash away the motor oil on the streets and the cagers (a motorcycle riders term for 4 wheel drivers). I suit up in my leather pants, long gloves, leather jacket , and full face shield helmet and jump on the bike. Well after going threw a yellow light earlier and Val following suit I decided to try to stop at the next yellow light. I no sooner started applying pressure to the breaks and the tires locked up and I started a slide, so I let off the breaks and applied throttle going threw now an orange-red light right in front of a cop. I am assuming he saw what was going on and he did not pull me over. I was far from even the speed limit on approaching the light. Later Val said that had I stopped she was afraid she would have hit me. The roads were very slippery. Well we got to the Best Western and now we will watch Monday night football and enjoy another day of vacation. I think I might even have a stiff drink tonight since the forecast is for rain tomorrow morning then a short clearing spell, so no hurry to get up early.
Ride safe, have a good time, and seize the moment even if it means just spending time with your loved one held up by rain (even if they are sleeping as I write this – she had a tough day I guess), LOL.
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